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Dimmish 8-7-2022

DiBeat Soverato Lungomare Europa, Catanzaro, Italia

Is the 15th year of the Crew. It is the first time of Dimmish in Calabria, it is the return of DìBeat. Summer season 2022. 8 July - Soverato -…

Gianni Sabato 15th July

DiBeat Soverato Lungomare Europa, Catanzaro, Italia

Circle - 15th July 2022. Second Friday of #suono. In the console our dear friend @giannisabato . DìBeat continues.. info: 328 6882071 - 3896305693 #houseparty #dj #housemusic #summer #clublife #dj…

Reboot 22th July 2022

DiBeat Soverato Lungomare Europa, Catanzaro, Italia

Circle - 22th July 2022. Friday number 3 for DìBeat. In console @soundslikereboot . ⚡️ #houseparty #dj #housemusic #summer #clublife #dj #calabria #soverato #techno #opening #technomusic #technoparty #houseparty #clubbers #clubbing…

Dubfire 29 JULY 022

DiBeat Soverato Lungomare Europa, Catanzaro, Italia

CIRCLE CLUBBIN’SIDE - 29 JULY 022 LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, FOR THE FIRST ABSOLUTE TIME IN CALABRIA….  @dubfire ! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 ————————————————————— INFO LINE: 328 6882071 / 389 6305693 #houseparty #dj #housemusic…


FRIDAY 12 AGOSTO 2022 @leonofficial LINK TO BOOK THE EVENT! —————————————————————— INFOLINE: 328 6882071 / 389 6305693 #houseparty #dj #housemusic #summer #clublife #dj #calabria #soverato #techno #opening #technomusic #technoparty…


DiBeat Soverato Lungomare Europa, Catanzaro, Italia

FerragostoDìBeat ____15 AGOSTO 2022 @davidesquillace —————————————————————— INFOLINE: 328 6882071 / 389 6305693 #houseparty #dj #housemusic #summer #clublife #dj #calabria #soverato #techno #opening #technomusic #technoparty #houseparty #clubbers #clubbing # #likeforlikeback #gaintrick…

Ilario Alicante

DiBeat Soverato Lungomare Europa, Catanzaro, Italia

FRIDAY 19 AUGUST 2022 @ilario_alicante IS BACK!!! PRE-SALE STARTED! ————————————————————— INFOLINE: 328 6882071 / 389 6305693 #houseparty #dj #housemusic #summer #clublife #dj #calabria #soverato #techno #opening #technomusic #technoparty #houseparty #clubbers…

Neverdogs 26 Agosto

DiBeat Soverato Lungomare Europa, Catanzaro, Italia

Neverdogs 20th years celebration Per il closing party di questa strepitosa 15esima stagione Dibeat abbiamo l’onore di avere questi due ragazzi che ritornano a CASA a festeggiare i loro venti…


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